Medical Malpractice

Atlanta Medical Malpractice Attorney

If you have been injured by medical malpractice, you owe it to yourself and your family to consult with a law firm that regularly handles large and complex medical malpractice cases with impressive results.

We Have the Trial Experience to Help

If you or a family member has been injured due to suspected medical malpractice, you are entitled to be fully compensated under Georgia law. In some cases, the malpractice is obvious. The majority of cases, however, involve complex medical issues, requiring a thorough evaluation. We have earned our reputation for excellence by helping clients and their families face life-changing tragedies such as medical malpractice. We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients in settlements and verdicts at trial in the Atlanta area and throughout the state of Georgia.

Why Timely Legal Representation is Essential

Once the malpractice has occurred, things move very quickly. We start working for you as soon as we are retained. The first course of action is to send correspondence to the hospital and all treating physicians demanding a full and complete copy of your medical records and that no records be destroyed. We then fully investigate every aspect of you medical malpractice case. This includes hiring the best specialists in the fields of medicine at issue in the case to act as our experts. These experts work with us to prove how the malpractice occurred and how the malpractice caused your injuries. Among other things that our medical experts do are: study all of your medical records, perform medical research to fully understand the medical issues at stake, work closely with our experienced medical malpractice attorneys to determine strategy, investigate all potential defendants, draft affidavits to be filed with the court, and help us proactively manage your lawsuit to ensure that you receive the help you need to fully recover for your injuries. The above legal steps are the most time-critical. However, the steps needed to pursue your case do not stop until the case is either settled or tried to a jury.

Call (800) 613-1923 Today

Medical Malpractice occurs when a doctor, nurse or other medical care provider improperly treats or misdiagnoses a medical condition, resulting in an injury to the patient. When a patient is seriously ill and hospitalized, it often necessary for a number of specialists to treat the patient as part of a medical "team." One of the most common scenarios that leads to medical malpractice in Atlanta is when a doctor, nurse or other medical provider fails to properly communicate with other providers who are caring for the patient and the patient "slips through the cracks." This is especially prevalent when a patient is released after hospital care and there is no post-discharge plan in place. Another common cause of medical malpractice is when a doctor fails to prescribe a necessary test or otherwise performs an insufficient evaluation. Other times, malpractice occurs when the doctors fail to communicate during the procedure (such as an operation) and an error occurs from the lack of proper communication and documentation.

We Have the Trial Experience and Resources to Help You

Medical malpractice cases in Georgia are expensive to pursue. It is not unusual for case expenses to exceed $100,000 if the case goes to trial. It is expensive to secure the services of the top medical experts in the country and many cases require multiple experts to prove the different aspects of your case. Make no mistake about it: the stakes are huge in medical malpractice litigation in Georgia. The investment in your case is large, and the potential recoveries for the injuries suffered are also large. If the malpractice is especially egregious, you may be entitled to punitive damages from the doctor or hospital. That is why you need a well-established medical malpractice lawyer who can take your case to trial and win.

There are Many Forms of Medical Malpractice

Common examples of Atlanta medical malpractice include:

  • Birth injuries such as Erb's palsy, cerebral palsy, brain damage, Rh- incompatibility, large baby syndrome and placental abruption.
  • Anesthesia errors leading to loss of oxygen
  • Failure to properly monitor the patient
  • Failure of follow-up care upon hospital discharge
  • Failure to order proper tests
  • Failure to diagnose lung cancer after chest x-rays and CT scans show
  • the malignancy
  • Failure to diagnose breast cancers that appear on a mammogram
  • Failure to review lab test results
  • Cancer Misdiagnosis
  • Medication errors due to faulty charting
  • Prescribing drugs that interact with each other
  • Failure to diagnose cancer in a timely matter
  • Surgical errors
  • Failure to detect bleeds during and following major surgery
  • Failure to diagnose and properly treat post-operative complications

Medical Malpractice Injuries are Often Catastrophic

Many victims of medical malpractice suffer serious injuries such as:

  • Paralysis
  • Amputation or loss of limbs
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Undetected cancers
  • Uncontrolled bleeds
  • infections due to foreign objects left in the body after surgery
  • Aneurism
  • Brain injury
  • Other catastrophic injuries
  • Wrongful death
  • Lung Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Undergoing unnecessary radiation and chemotherapy due to false diagnosis of cancer
  • Permanent nerve damage
  • Loss of organs

Despite a decade of promises, little has changed in the area of medical malpractice over the last ten years. According to Consumers Union, the non-profit publisher of Consumer Reports magazine, preventable medical errors kill over 98,000 people each year. Interestingly, this is about the same number of deaths due to medical malpractice as was reported a decade earlier in 1999.

We Can Help

Medical malpractice can take an unbelievable toll on you and your family. We understand this because we have helped clients get their lives back after being victimized by medical malpractice. The first step is to call so that you can discuss your case with a lawyer who truly understands medical malpractice in Georgia. Call Robert J. Fleming directly at (404) 525-5150 for a free case evaluation to see how we may be able to help. Or contact us online.

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